Budget Consultation 2024/25
Every year the council must set a balanced budget. We do this by assessing what changes we need to make to last year’s budget, based on our future plans and expected changes to our income or expenditure. A new budget will be presented for local Councillors to approve in February 2024.
Before this, we are inviting residents, tenants, businesses and organisations to comment on our draft budget proposals. The results will be fed back to the elected Councillors responsible for setting the budget, for them to consider before the budget is approved.
The council’s finances are split into two:
- The Housing Revenue Account is set up specifically for the landlord service that we provide and shows how we spend the money we receive from our tenants via rent and service charges.
- The General Fund covers everything else we do, from collecting waste to promoting tourism in our district, and is funded primarily by the council tax we receive from residents and business rates we receive from businesses.
This survey focuses on the General Fund, but if you answer ‘Yes’ to the ‘Do you live in a property owned by the council’ question, you will be asked an additional question about the Housing Revenue Account.
Kindly spare a few moments to participate in our survey; your feedback and comments are highly appreciated.
The survey will close on Friday, 26 January 2024.
To view the full budget proposal report that went to the Finance and Management Committee Meeting on 23 November 2023, please click here and head to agenda item ten within the document pack.
Click to view our Acccesibility Statement.