Current policy consultations


Gambling Act 2005

Statement of Licensing Policy and Local Area Profile Plan

Under the above Act, the Licensing Authority is required to prepare and publish a statement of the principles that they will apply in exercising their duty under the Act every three years. The Licensing Authority is currently undertaking a review of their Statement of Licensing Policy and Local Area Profile Plan. 

If you would like to make any comments on the proposed Policy and Plan, please email or write to the Licensing Department at the above address before 16 August 2024.

Any comments received will be duly considered by Members at the Environmental and Development Services Committee due to be held in September 2024.


Review of Street Trading Policy

The Council intends to update the Street Trading Policy.  The Policy will apply to all existing traders and new applications. The proposed changes are shown as track changes for your ease of reference.

If you would like to make comment on the proposed Policy, please email or write to the Licensing Department at the above address before 30th August 2024.

Any comments received will be duly considered by Members at the Environmental and Development Services Committee due to be held in November 2024.


Review of Private Hire Licensing Policy and Associated Conditions

Following the publishing of the Best Practice Guidance for Taxis and Private Hire and a full review of the private hire licensing regime, the Licensing Authority proposes to make some amendments to the Private Hire Licensing Policy and Conditions to ensure the private hire licensing regime is a modern forward thinking service whilst maintaining public safety.

If you would like to make comment on the proposed amendments, please email before 6th September 2024.

Any comments received will be duly considered by Members at the Environmental and Development Services Committee due to be held on 29th October 2024..  The amended Policy will come into force in January 2025.