Waste less, Save more project

Our drive with partners to reduce household waste across the District has left us with a positive and lasting legacy.

Made possible by a £1 million investment by Sainsbury’s and running between January and December 2016, projects were developed to:

  • reduce food waste
  • help people reduce their food bills
  • deliver health benefits
  • be innovative
  • be fun

New technology was tested, recipes were created from the most commonly thrown away foods and schools welcomed the Menu Magician, Fab Foods and our Food Saver Champions in their pop-up restaurant catering vehicle. These initiatives helped the average family and Swadlincote schools to slash their annual food waste bill.

Our ideas and what we learned were shared with communities right across the UK to make a real difference. 

Click here (pdf, 2.1mb) to see the results of the trials carried out in Swadlincote and read the report published by Sainsbury’s.

Our Picnic Rescue, Menu Magic and Fab Foods projects have won national awards for best practice. The work is continuing through the Sainsbury's Discovery Communities scheme and other towns and cities across the UK are running programmes developed and tested in Swadlincote.

Follow all the latest updates on the project by liking our Swadlincote Waste less, Save more Facebook page and for details of specific projects, visit our Fab Food Schools ProgrammePicnic Rescue and SnapBox pages. You will also find lots of ideas, recipes and money-saving tips on the Sainsbury’s Waste less, Save more website.

Some of the other waste less projects include the increased recycling programme that we have across our public buildings. This includes the elimination of single use plastic water cups in all the offices, replacing them with recyclable cups and encouraging staff members to bring their own recyclable water bottles to work.

The reduction in single use plastic water bottles is extended to the external Council events where residents and stall holders are encouraged to use recyclable bottles.

Within the Public Buildings the Council is encouraging the increase in recycling rates, with specific focus on reducing waste food being dumped in landfill sites. All kitchens throughout the Council Offices have introduced separate food waste bins and additional recycling categories to increase recycling rates.

The Council also work in partnership with local supermarkets to redistribute surplus food to support local residents as well as reducing potential food waste.

For more information on kerbside collections that the Council offers and what you can do to recycle more and reduce food waste, go to our recycling page via the link below:  https://www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/our-services/recycling-bins-and-waste