Your Council Tax bill
There's a lot of information on your Council Tax bill. The graphics on this page will help you to understand each section.
The top section of your bill shows the main details of your Council Tax account, as explained:
1. The tax year the bill covers.
2. The date the bill was issued. If you have received other bills, always use the one with the most recent issue date.
3. Your personal account reference number. You will need to quote this when paying online, at the payment machines at the Civic Offices, on the phone or at a Post Office or PayPoint. You can also use the barcode at the bottom of your bill. The reference number will also be needed if you contact us with an enquiry.
4. The name of any people liable to pay the charge on the bill.
5. The address that the bill has been issued to (this may be the address of the property the bill relates to or a contact address).
6. The address of the property the bill relates to if different from the contact address.
How your bill is calculated
The middle section shows how your Council Tax is split between ourselves, Derbyshire County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue, as well as detailing the additional 2% increase for the County Council to help fund adult care services.
If you live in a parished area that raises money through Council Tax, the parish precept will also be included in the charge.
If you have any queries about how each of these bodies calculates their precept, please contact them directly.

7. The annual Council Tax charge for the period.
8. An example of the overall percentage increase on the previous year.
9. Details of any discounts that apply. These will show as applying until March 31, even if that is not the case. You will receive a further adjustment notice if your discount ends before that date.
10. The net amount of Council Tax payable.
If you know your circumstances are about to change and you haven’t received an adjustment notice within one month of that change, you must contact us so that we can amend the account.
How to pay

11. This section shows the amount of instalments to be paid and when, plus the way in which you have agreed to pay (if by Direct Debit, there is nothing for you to do as the Council will notify your bank of any change). Your overall account balance is the total amount owing for all financial years, including the current one.
If you have lost your Council Tax bill, you can request a replacement.
Request a replacement bill
If you would like to go paperless, you can also request to receive your Council Tax bill by email.